Monday, 4 May 2015

SharePoint Site collection Admin unable to remove pages

When attempting to delete the file Teste-Management-2-06.aspx from the site
newsletters/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspx as user Valenet\a-aithalp,
the user receives an Access Denied error message.
This behavior was occurring because the security information had been removed from the items creating an "orphaned" item in the document library.
We were able check for orphaned items by doing the following:
1. Get the name of the content database that holds the site collection
- Open the SharePoint 2010 Management Shell as the farm admin
- Run the following command to list out the content databases

-- Get-SPContentdatabase
- Find the content database that is associated with the above URL
2. Use the content database name to identify orphaned items:
- Open the SharePoint 2010 Management Shell as the farm admin
- Run the following command to get the list of items that are orphaned
$ContentDatabase = Get-SPContentDatabase -Identity 'YourContentDatabaseNameHere';
$ContentDatabase.Repair($False) > results.txt
The output from the PowerShell showed the following two items as orphaned in the content database.
<OrphanedObjects Count="125">
<Orphan Type="SecurityScope" SiteId="{A7FB617F-F9B5-4771-A70F-3FFD09A8F2F1}" Name="gbl/leadershipchannel/ptbr/
newsletters/Paginas/1704.aspx" InRecycleBin="No" />
<Orphan Type="SecurityScope" SiteId="{A7FB617F-F9B5-4771-A70F-3FFD09A8F2F1}" Name="gbl/leadershipchannel/en-us/newsletters/Pages/Teste-
Management-2-06.aspx" InRecycleBin="No" />
<Orphan Type="RoleAssignments" Count="123" />
We were able to run the following command to repair the orphaned items in the content database
1. Backup the content database
2. Ensure the integrity of the database
3. Open the SharePoint 2010 Management Shell
4. Run the following PowerShell Command
$ContentDatabase = Get-SPContentDatabase -Identity 'PRD_SP_03_PS_Content_LeadershipChannel_01';
$ContentDatabase.Repair($True) > RepairResults.txt
I will follow up with you to ensure that your issue is resolved to your expectations.

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